Kaituna Cut Site renovation Maketu

Site renovations to produce sufficient grass cover that is aesthetically pleasing can be achieved with the right method.

A site can be transformed through site clearance, vegetation mowing, weed management, grass and turf maintenance, pest plant control, ground cultivation, and soil amelioration/soil improvement. 

This particular site was hydro seeded during summer months for dust control and vegetation establishment using a specialist Evergreen stabilising seed mix. 5 months later we carried out vegetation mowing and spraying followed by a Hydro Soil and Hay Mulch application. 

The results speak for themselves.

Sediment and Erosion Control

Civil Landscaping

Over 40 Years Experience

Sediment and Erosion Control

Civil Landscaping

Over 40 Years Experience

Sediment and Erosion Control

Civil Landscaping

Over 40 Years Experience


Site Safe