Site Stabilisation and Close Out

Evergreen Landcare is the original pioneer of hydraulic application of grass and straw mulches in New Zealand. Our hydroseeding and erosion control products are specifically adapted to New Zealand conditions.

We have provided these services on many major projects, such as:
Transmission Gully, Wellington
Puhoi to Warkworth, Northland
Waikato Expressways
Christchurch Southern Motorway 
Subdivisions and Infrastructure Projects

Evergreen Landcare has a large fleet of straw blowers, tractors and trucks. This ensures that we can get sites stabilised and closed out well within projected timelines. 

Straw Mulching

Evergreen Landcare’s straw mulching process is very effective in preventing sediment run-off in heavy rains. Sediment run-off is impeded by at least 80%.

The process involves mulching straw and blowing it over the ground surface until it forms a continuous open textured mat.

The covering of straw provides a micro climate of even temperature and moisture content at the ground surface.

The open weave of the straw allows light and water into the seed bed providing ideal conditions for germination. The straw mulch prevents drying out due to the effects of frost or sun and wind.

Using this method new grasses can be established throughout the year.

Straw mulching can be used in conjunction with either Hydroseeding or conventionally sown areas.


Airborne dust from construction/industry sites is a problem for a number of reasons. By utilising our dust control systems you will effectively filter sediment from surface water.

  • A solution for:
    • surface protection
    • erosion and sediment control
    • dust control
    • moisture retention
    • out of season germination

Straw Mulch can be applied across a range of sites as Evergreen Landcare has a range of equipment that can suit each individual site and the needs of the client in order to achieve environmental compliance.


Evergreen Landcare has access to a wide range of polymers and stabilisation tackifiers to offer an alternative to straw mulching where the conditions do not allow straw mulching to be practical such as wind, steep slopes, and awkward access.

Seed, fertiliser and mulches can also be added to provide longer term stabilisation and revegetation.

We use a unique emulsion of cross-linked polymer which is diluted at very low concentration and can be sprayed onto exposed areas, including steep slopes. The emulsion creates a flexible crust which binds up all fines and aids stabilisation and dust suppression. 


  • Suitable for exposed areas that are prone to runoff. 
  • Can be used in conjunction with seeding
  • Withstands rain
  • Eliminates dust 
  • Forms a strong but flexible crust 

Dust Control

Airborne dust particles have a detrimental effect on many different aspects of our daily life, whether it’s within our Industry or personal life.

Airborne dust from construction and industry sites  can create a range of problems, not only damage to machinery but can also create unsafe working conditions due to visibility, environmental degradation and health problems, in particular respiratory problems.

To ensure your business or company complies with ever increasing environmental pressures, Evergreen Landcare can provide a number of different dust suppressant products to suit your specific needs.

These products can be used and are successful over a wide variety of surfaces, from unsealed local government roads to underground mine roads, capable of tolerating the heaviest of vehicles and traffic intensity and most importantly they can be used in environmentally sensitive areas.

Specialised dust suppressant products require fewer maintenance applications than normal water cart applications. 

As well as being used for dust control, products can also be used to help benefit soil stabilisation and erosion control.


  • Enhanced business reputation.
  • Better working conditions for staff.
  • Better working relationships with clients and the community.
  • Improvements in relations with regulatory authorities, e.g. Local Government.
  • Reduction of health risks resulting from air pollution.
  • Reduction in air & water pollution.
  • Fewer disturbances to existing flora and fauna habitats.
  • Helps with erosion control and soil stabilisation.

Sediment and Erosion Control

Civil Landscaping

Over 40 Years Experience

Sediment and Erosion Control

Civil Landscaping

Over 40 Years Experience

Sediment and Erosion Control

Civil Landscaping

Over 40 Years Experience


Site Safe