Huka Falls Road - Taupo

This soil saver installation project in Taupo is a great example of the benefits of this service product. 

The cut face batter it was installed on was made up of various harsh soil type with insufficient nutrient level. The soil saver mesh provides a stable surface and allows the Hydro Soil product to bind to achieve a sufficient application of product to the at risk area. 

We were approached from the Taupo District Council and were able to provide expertise to achieve the desired outcome of revegetating the cut batter face. Once the Hydro Soil is applied it also provides complete sediment stabilization. 

The specialist Evergreen stabilsing seed blend will regenerate itself over time achieving long term Erosion Control.

Sediment and Erosion Control

Civil Landscaping

Over 40 Years Experience

Sediment and Erosion Control

Civil Landscaping

Over 40 Years Experience

Sediment and Erosion Control

Civil Landscaping

Over 40 Years Experience


Site Safe