Queenstown Cycle Trail

This large sand cut on the Queenstown Cycle Trail was severely eroding and with the Shotover River below Evergreen Landcare came up with a solution.

With sandy material even the light winds would erode this embankment. A few options were looked at, but the sheer cost was prohibitive. Evergreen Landcare came up with a solution to firstly stabilise the slope with a biodegradable mesh then apply our Hydrosoil® product with a specially selected seed mix. Over the top of this we straw mulched and tacked the straw in place.

The straw provided not only extra surface protection but provided much needed moisture retention.

Sediment and Erosion Control

Civil Landscaping

Over 40 Years Experience

Sediment and Erosion Control

Civil Landscaping

Over 40 Years Experience

Sediment and Erosion Control

Civil Landscaping

Over 40 Years Experience


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